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Saab Global

Future Combat System Development

5 min read

When most people think of how a naval platform fights, the first thoughts are of guns, missiles and radar. 这些元素构成了平台作战系统的一部分,它们对于实现任何海军在海上作战和取胜的任务至关重要. At the heart of the combat system is the Combat Management System (CMS), 它集成了传感器信息,并在防御和进攻行动中为作战人员提供态势感知和决策支持. 该技术必须具有灵活性和适应性,以实现新技术的快速集成,以应对不断变化的威胁. What is in the future for combat system development?


Saab公司的9LV CMS是澳大利亚皇家海军目前的“澳新军团”级护卫舰和“堪培拉”级LHD的核心作战能力,并将很快进入新的“补给”级补给船服役.  Saab公司被选中为新的Arafura级近海巡逻舰提供基于9LV的态势感知系统. 澳大利亚皇家海军的9艘未来护卫舰和3艘升级的空战驱逐舰将装备美国海军的宙斯盾作战管理系统, with an Australian interface developed by Saab Australia. 服役后,这种通用性将为RAN提供独特的训练优势, operation and support of the fleet.

星际网赌导航在澳大利亚建立了坚实的声誉和强大的存在,背后的9LV CMS交付和性能. 该公司在国内拥有开发一系列新应用和功能的能力,以发展9LV系统,以满足澳大利亚客户当前和未来的独特需求.

What can we expect in the future then? 作战系统集成的主要转变是被接口系统的演变. 过去,传感器和武器有定制的物理接口,需要复杂的硬件和软件. They also had limited functionality and simply “did what they were told”. 新一代的系统具有数字接口,并且具有更高程度的内置智能, which both simplifies and complicates the integration task.

An example would be a decoy countermeasures system. In the past the decoy simply fired its rounds on command, with the optimisation of the deployment of the rounds done by the CMS, taking into account such factors as threat type, the current tactical picture and location of high value units. 最新一代的诱饵对抗系统可以进行自己的威胁处理, target prioritisation and launch optimisation. It expects the CMS to feed it the necessary tactical data to calculate its response. 这听起来很棒,但由于诱饵系统中算法的专有性质,星际网赌导航与其供应商密切合作,了解他们的系统是如何工作的,以便将它们集成在一起,提供最佳解决方案.

So how will the CMS deal with emerging threats, such as hypersonic missiles, railguns and swarming drones? 解决这些问题的一种方法是减少平台的可见性和电磁可见性. A weapon that cannot see the target is ineffective. 未来的军舰将需要非常隐身,CMS将需要精确地知道在实时环境条件下对每种类型的传感器的探测概率. Saab has had success in integrating sensor performance models, 在当前的地理位置和环境条件下,提供实时数据的所有权和敌方传感器的性能.

New generation CMS will also incorporate Game Theory, using mathematics to model human decision making in competitive situations. 非常适合分析军事局势,因为它描绘了现实情况,在这种情况下,双方都可以自由选择最好的“行动”,并随着时间的推移调整战略. 舰载战斗队能够分析战术概率和优化舰载航线, speed, 单个资产和整个任务组的发射状态和传感器设置. 

消除冲突的迷雾也将在减少发现的可能性方面发挥重要作用. One example has been integrating intelligence data with track correlation functions. 例如,当多个传感器探测到潜在威胁时,它会被自动识别为具有已知特定搜索雷达和武器的敌对战斗机. CMS自动启动从电子对抗到远程交战的反应,在对手成为威胁之前将其消灭. 目前,星际网赌导航公司正在开发将这种反应能力扩展到跨所有战争领域的部队级协调能力. This includes Force Planning, Intelligence, Task Group C2 and Force Operations.

Integration of unmanned systems is also a high priority for CMS development. 无人系统可以极大地扩展军舰的传感器和武器足迹,并在沿海作战中提供巨大的战术优势. New generations of air, 地面和地下无人驾驶车辆正在出现,这些车辆都需要与CMS集成,以优化其有价值的数据的显示和利用,从而无缝地连接到指挥团队.



下一代军舰及其作战系统将在利用高带宽网络方面取得更大的进步,这样CMS将成为该网络中的一个节点.  这将彻底改变互操作性以及战术数据和通信的交换.

星际网赌导航澳大利亚公司将继续与澳大利亚皇家海军和国防科学技术集团密切合作, 其供应链和学术合作伙伴探索和进一步发展这些和其他能力,以满足海战中快速发展的威胁.