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Saab Global


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巴西“鹰狮”目前正在巴西航空工业公司位于加维奥佩克托(SP)的“鹰狮”飞行测试中心进行飞行测试活动。, 巴西空军(FAB)的飞行员正在瑞典参加筹备工作. The first phase of this is taking part in a Conversion Training course, 该项目在Linköping进行,主要关注飞行员的飞行设备以及极端体能要求的锻炼.

In 2020, Major Aviator Abdon de Rezende Vasconcelos, FAB test pilot, 是第一个用鹰狮C / D进行训练,后来又继续用鹰狮E进行训练的. 该课程于2020年8月开始,一直持续到2021年第一学期结束, when the practical training took place.

Before entering the aircraft's cockpit, 飞行员接受了密集的训练,完全熟悉了所有必要的设备. To give you a better idea of the complexity of such training, Saab followed the raining of Major Abdon during three days. 第一天的任务是调整飞行员的个人装备, such as flight suit, anti-G equipment, boots, oxygen mask and helmet. 这是一个细致的过程,旨在确保每件事都完美地适合飞行员.

On the second day, the training took place at the Qinetics Physiological Flight Center, located in Malmslätt, Linköping. There, Major Abdon underwent training in the 9G centrifuge, which is one of the fundamental requirements for piloting Gripen. Before the drill, 约翰·埃克布莱德机长向他展示了正确的呼吸技巧,并训练他如何承受巨大的力量,这些力量肯定会考验飞行员的身心.


After the theoretical part, Major Abdon was led to the centrifuge, accompanied by specialists and a doctor. In the centrifuge, 重力逐渐增加,这样飞行员就可以练习新的技能. When reaching 8G, Abdon少校选择承受30秒的高重力,然后休息几分钟, he resumed to the last session, withstanding the 9G force for the required 15 seconds, without any problem, and thus passing the test.  

“It was the first time that I did this type of training. 这是非常重要的,因为我学会并能够运用正确的技术来承受9g. 我确信这在飞机运行期间是必要的,”飞行员说.

Abdon少校还收到了弹射后着陆程序的指示. “我能够回忆起一些程序,但也学习了瑞典为了安全着陆而使用的新程序,” said the pilot.

第二天的培训以海上生存的理论和实践培训结束. A simulation was conducted in a swimming pool, with waves, mimicking a storm at nighttime, 飞行员接受了各种各样的指导,了解了在水中着陆时的所有必要程序.

The hypoxia symptom recognition training took place on the third day, via a theoretical preparation class, 在那里飞行员可以学习他的身体如何表现,以及如何应对高海拔地区氧气压力的下降.

“大脑供氧量的减少会导致意识丧失和智力退化. Nevertheless, 即使在氧气供应减少的情况下,一些基本任务也必须执行,而且这些任务越来越难以执行. In this exercise, 目的是了解你自己,并认识到你的身体在缺氧时可能发出的信号,以便及时采取必要的措施。”, the pilot explains.

Captain Johan Ekblad accompanied the training of Major Abdon.
Major Abdon with the Certification of Training

After the three days of intense training, Abdon少校很高兴地宣布他已经通过了所有的训练:“我在这里受到了教官们的热烈欢迎, 是谁传授了他们每天如何操作飞机的知识. 作为一名飞行员和巴西空军的代表,这段经历对我来说非常宝贵,” he adds..

点击这里观看由星际网赌导航公司制作的“训练驾驶鹰狮”系列视频, that shows you Major Abdon's training in more details.